REUNION – Thursday 22nd OCTOBER 2015


A 60th anniversary  reunion is to be held on Thursday 22nd October

at the Barns Hotel and Restaurant, Cocksparrow Lane, Cannock

(Reception from 7pm – meal at 7.30pm)


The evening will include a meal (silver service) and it is hoped to utilise all the back rooms (three) for displays and areas for members to chat and meet former colleagues. It is anticipated that there will also be some live music played for part of the evening, mainly by ex pupils of CGS.

The tickets are £26.00 and cheques should be made payable to Cannock Grammar School Former Pupils’ Association and should be sent with the enclosed-form to Sheila Cox, 22 Rowan Road, Shoal Hill, Cannock WS11 1JJ.

If you have any queries or require further information please contact Diane Tolley ( Allman) at

Please pass this information to any former pupil(s) you are in contact with or ask them to download off the website.